Monday, September 27, 2010

2nd Scan

We had Andrew's check up and new scan today, and I'm so happy with his progress! All the numbers are so confusing to me, but the picture I think shows it all. I'll try to upload it at some point.

Here are some of the #'s.

For his 2 diagonal measurements, last time he was off by 10.9mm and now he is only off by 8.6mm. So there is progress there. 2.3mm to be exact!

There is another statistic (and I always forget what is actually measuring, but it has to do with the "min" and "max" of his head measurements and he was at 94.5% before, and now he is at 91.5%. I guess normal heads are within the 80's, so that is what we are shooing for on his next scan. Again, I'm not quite sure what this # means, but I know the goal, so whatever!

Other than that, we made our 3 week check up for 10/18 and then we will do a 3rd scan 3 weeks after that (should be around November 8th). There is a small chance on 10/18 the Dr. will say "OK we're done!" but I doubt it. We thought that would happened today, but no luck :( Maybe on November 8th. I'm crossing my fingers but unfortunately not holding my breath :(

Andrew did so well in the scanner today though. It doesn't take very long, but I guess some kids get really upset. We have a well behaved child I guess! Sweet Andrew boy!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Pics of the Helmet

Its a Miracle!

We just got our bill, well not our bill, but our notice from Medica on what we WILL get billed for Andrew's helmet and... ITS ONLY $238!!!

I couldn't believe my eyes! Insurance is actually covering the helmet. We were pretty excited when we opened that piece of mail yesterday. Felt like we won the lottery. YIPEEE.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

4 week check in

Andrew had his 4 week check in appointment on Friday September 3rd. The doctor said everything looked good and that he would start to "grow into the helmet" now. I guess the helmet isn't necessarily reshaping his head, but its made a little bigger than his head has room to grow into it with a nice rounded shaped head. Its basically not letting his head grow bigger in some places, but let it grow in others (the flat spot) so that's how it works. I guess I didn't really get that until this appointment, so that was an "ah ha" moment for me. I guess that's good!

He has his next appointment on Monday September 27th to get measurements done on how much his head has grown and changed. I'm excited to see his progress and hopefully we will get news that he only has to have it a short while longer. We shall see!

He is starting to notice the helmet a little more now, by playing with the strap on the side. He also touches his head and pulls at his hair when we take it off. It probably feels very different. One thing we have noticed is that we don't worry about him falling on his head when he pulls up on things or is trying to get somewhere, because we know the helmet protects him! Ha, we laugh at that. At least we are having fun with hit!

We also just got our decals and put those on his helmet over the weekend. There is one on the back that says "Wildcats" with a Wildcat (Daddy's hockey team) and then the side says "Give Blood Play Hockey". Of course it was Dad's idea! But it does look cute. We are going to try and buy another sticker with his name on it for the front. I'll have to post a picture on here of it once I take one!